Why Bill Peirce?

With nearly 40 years of experience as an Economist, Dr. Bill Peirce (pronounced purse) is uniquely qualified to fix Ohio’s economy. A prosperous and free Ohio will create new jobs, improve our quality of life, and secure our children’s future. Here is a brief history of our next Governor.


William Peirce grew up in Lexington, Massachusetts, where his ancestor Solomon Peirce was wounded in the first battle of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775. The Peirce family has a long history of activism in the defense of liberty and opportunity in their community.

He became an Eagle Scout and taught Sunday school classes as a teenager until graduating from Lexington High School in 1956. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Harvard in 1960. He studied at the American Institute for Economic Research for two years, and was awarded his Ph.D. in Economics by Princeton University in 1966.

Bill and NynkaBill Peirce is currently Professor Emeritus of Economics at Case Western Reserve University. He has been a teacher there since 1966. He served as the Chair of the Economics Department at Case for six years.

Peirce’s published works include: Bureaucratic Failure and Public Expenditure, The Economics of the Energy Industries, and Technological Innovation and Industrial Leadership (co-authored with Bela Gold, Gerhard Rosegger, and Mark Perlman), as well as many journal articles and book chapters. He has lectured at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands and served as a visiting scholar at the University of Mannheim in Germany.

In addition to his responsibilities at the University, Peirce has served in such civic groups as the Cleveland Manpower Planning and Development Commission and the Netherlands-Ohio Business Council. He also served as Assistant Scout Master for Troop 22 in Cleveland Heights from 1978 to 1985.

Peirce was elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the American Institute for Economic Research in 2004. He also serves as an Academic Advisor for the Buckeye Institute and the Heartland Institute.

Peirce married Nynke Witteveen in Kent, Ohio in 1966. They have three adult children and one granddaughter.

Bill Peirce decided to formally enter politics in the summer of 2005 and campaign for Governor of Ohio. “I love the state of Ohio, but the two major parties (Both Republicans and Democrats) have left our state in a perilous position. The only way to grow our economy, create new employment opportunities, is to secure more freedom.”